Sensi Seeds
Big Bud

Big Bud

breed by Sensi Seeds

Here you can find all info about Big Bud from Sensi Seeds. If you are searching for information about Big Bud from Sensi Seeds, check out our Basic Infos, Gallery, Degustation, Awards, Strain Reviews, Direct Comparisons, Lineage / Genealogy, Hybrids / Crossbreeds or User Comments for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information - or list all Big Bud Strains (46) to find a different version. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic / Breeders Info

Big Bud is a mostly indica variety from and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of ±58 days). Sensi Seeds' Big Bud is a THC dominant variety and is/was also available as feminized seeds.

Sensi Seeds' Big Bud Description

Sensi Seeds Big Bud The name says it all! Big Bud is one of our most popular classic Award Winning cannabis strains due to it`s massive monster buds covered with fat, thick resin glands. Big Bud is a fast flowering Indica variety that stays compact and is easy to manicure making this an ideal variety for the indoor cash cropper. While growing Big Bud stays compact but will stretch if left unattended and can triple in size at the change of the light cycle. These gigantic buds have a deep green color, are extremely heavy and dense with a rich, sweet hash like aroma complimented by a sweet hashy flavor. Big Bud will knock you out with a long lasting body centered indica-type stone.

Flowering: 50-65 days
Height: 110-150 cm
Yield: up to 150 gr

Big Bud Awards

Sensi Seeds' Big Bud is a cupwinning variety and won 3 awards between 2002 and 2004!

1st Place
for Sensi Smile at the
Highlife Cup 2004
Bio - Coffeeshops
3rd Place
for Sensi Smile at the
Highlife Cup 2004
Hydro - Coffeeshops
2nd Place
for Sensi Smile at the
Highlife Cup 2002
Hydro - Coffeeshops

Big Bud Reviews

We've collected strain info from 14 growers for Big Bud.

General Impression Indoors

Flowering Time Indoor
58 - 69 days (±64 days)
Yield / Quantity Indoor
The crop of this strain is very high
General Impression Indoor
Big Bud is all together a quite good strain
Strength / Lasting Effect
The weed affects slightly above average
User Rating
Big Bud gets 7.06 of 10 possible Points in the average!

Known Phenotypes:

  1. short, compact, fastly blossoming, indica-dominant Phenotype #1
  2. long, stretched, fastly blossoming, sativa-dominant Phenotype #2
  3. Very homogenous variety.

More Info:

Please click here to see the full Plant-Profile!

Big Bud Degustation

The seedfinder users tested Big Bud and uploaded information about the aroma, taste and effects of Sensi Seeds' Big Bud. Here a short overview, click to the charts or links to get an exact description and find similar cannabis varieties!

Aroma / Smell

~23% Tropical ~15% Lemon ~23% Fruity ~15% Citrus ~23% Sweet ~15% Sour ~13% Spicy ~50% Microbiological

The aroma / smell of Big Bud can be described best as Microbiological and additionally as a little bit Sweet (or Fruity), Sour (or Citrus) and Spicy. more

Taste / Flavour

~8% Mustard ~8% Mint ~15% Hot ~9% Herbs ~3% Rot ~7% Earth ~10% Musky ~10% Sweat ~4% Soda ~42% Sweet ~25% Spicy ~33% Microbiological

The taste / flavour of Big Bud was characterized as fairly Sweet, Microbiological (a bit of Musky and Sweat and also a little bit Earth, Rot and Soda) and Spicy (Hot and also a bit of Herbs). more

Effect / Effectiveness

Here you see the latest Big Bud photos, uploaded from our users! Altogether we've collected 135 pictures from Sensi Seeds' Big Bud, check out our Big Bud gallery to view them all.

Big Bud Comparisons

How is Big Bud growing and effecting compared to other varieties? 2 seedfinder users uploaded direct comparisations with Sensi Seeds' Big Bud and compared this cannabis variety with 2 other strain(s). Click on the links to get more information and see how good this plants can be grown together!

Sensi Seeds' Big Bud
VS. Dr. Undergrounds King Kong
VS. Sensi Seeds' Northern Lights

Big Bud Lineage / Genealogy

Map of the Big Bud Family Tree

Click to show all parents of Big Bud in our dynamic family tree map.

Big Bud Hybrids & Crossbreeds

We found 145 direct descendants from Sensi Seeds' Big Bud in the seedfinder strain database, here a short overview. To see all hybrids and their descendants, visit our Big Bud Genealogy Page and check out all the direct crosses as like as the following generations.

Mango Hash
Jack Herer x {Skunk x Big Bud}
Fools Gold
Big Bud x Skunk #1
Quick Bud
Lowryder #2 x {Big Bud x Skunk}
Big Marley
Big Bud x Skunk
Big Bizz
Big Bud x Bizarre
Big Bazooka
Big Bud x Jack Herer
Fast Caramelic
Big Bud x Caramello
Auto Pounder
Big Bud x Power Plant x Auto #1
Auto Bud
Lowryder x Big Bud x Indostan
Auto Massive Bud
Big Bud probably x Unknown Ruderalis

Map of the Big Bud Descendants

If you are with a big screen and not browsing with your mobile, check out our dynamic family tree map with all known hybrids of Big Bud! (but this maybe will need some time to load all the data!)

Big Bud User Comments

Altogether we've collected 11 user comments about Sensi Seeds' Big Bud. Here you find the 3 english user comments, for the ones in the other langues please click here: german (8).

- 04.11.2017

This comment is connected to a Big Bud review!

Outdoor Grow:

Die Sorte Big Bud wurde am 49ten Breitengrad kultiviert.

Insgesamt ist die Sorte normal schnell gewachsen blieb aber

mittel groß und vorallem buschig mit sehr vielen Seitentrieben !!

Leider musste die Pflanze wegen einem Schimmelbefall frühzeitig

umgehauen werden. Ich schätze, dass die Big bud draußen von

ende Oktober bis anfang November fertig wird.

Daher empfehle ich die Sorte im Oktober bis zum

November unterzustellen.


Die Big Bud wuchs (innen) indica lastig (mittelgroß und buschig mit mittel

großen Blättern). Die Blüten waren überdurchschnittlich

stark mit Harz überzogen. Die Harzproduktion hat erstaunlicherweise sehr früh

eingesetzt. Die Sorte wuchs in der vegetativen Phase sehr schnell. Der

Nodienabstand der Sorte war normal der Strech jedoch sehr gering !! Die Sorte

reagierte sehr gut aufs Toppen und bildete relativ viele Seitentriebe aus. Ich

glaube, dass die Sorte sich sehr gut fürs Scroggen eigenet ! Die Blütenbildung

konzentrierte gleichmäßig auf alle Äste. Die Sorte konnte insgesamt sehr

leicht geerntet und verarbeitet werden. Der Ertrag war außergewöhnlich hoch !!

(Einer meiner besten Ergebnisse bisher) Die Sorte benötigte mit Durchschnitt

mindestens 9 Wochen um ernte reif zu sein. Gerade in den letzten 2 Wochen hat

die Sorte nochmal richtig zugelegt. Vom Wuchsverhalten und der Blütenstruktur

erinnert die Sorte ganz stark an die Orange Bud. Wegen der frühen Harzbildung

kann ich mir vorstellen, dass man die Sorte auch Draußen in Deutschland anbauen



Die getrockneten Blüten haben (nach dem Zerkleinern) leicht süßlich und würzig

gerochen. Insgesamt war aber der Geruch aber sehr dezent !


Die Wirkung der Sorte ist körperlich entspannend und geistig schläfrig machend.

Nach etwa 20 minuten nimmt man seine Umgebung geistig fokusierter war und man

wird dabei leicht redselig. Während man entspannt ist hat sich der Körper

intensiver angefühlt. Die Wirkungsdauer lag bei 2 - 3 Stunden. Am Ende des

Rausches war man vernebelt im Kopf aber auch sehr müde. Bei niedrigen Dosierungen

war die Wirkung der Sorte angenehm. Für eine Indica war die Sorte insgesamt sehr stark.


Die Big Bud war eine schnell wüchsige Indica Sorte mit einem ausgesprochen

hohen Ertrag. Der Effekt, (ein langanhaltendes Stoned mit intensiver

Muskelentspannung) war sehr angenehm. Bei stärkeren Dosierung war die

Wirkung sehr überfordernd. Eine klare Empfehlung für alle Old School

Indica Liebhaber, die auf vor allem Wert auf den Ertrag legen.

Insgesamt war die Big Bud eine der unkompliziertesten Pflanzen

die ich jemals anbauen durfte ! this comment

- 22.10.2012

This comment is connected to a Big Bud review!

Big Bud - Sensi Seeds

Good strain for cash croppers who want a fast maturing strain which produce a large yield. It»s also very easy to grow.

Too much compromise for me. The high is boring and doesn«t last very long. This Afghani x Skunk cross is the worst I’ve tried, but the most productive.

Critical Mass by Mr. Nice Seeds is a reworked Big Bud which is much, much better, and produce nearly the same yield.

The batch turned out very nich, so I know it is the genetics, and not me. The batch tested at 9,45% THC. My SSL (Mr. Nice) had the "same" conditions and was tested to 20,5% THC. this comment

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User Reviews

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Medical Values

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