Masonrie Genetics
Lit in Las Vegas

Lit in Las Vegas (Masonrie Genetics) :: StrainReview :: Indoor :: Long, stretched, fastly blossoming, sativa-dominant Phenotype #2

Plant-Profile about Lit in Las Vegas (by Masonrie Genetics)

This Plant-Profile is a individual expression by , uploaded at the 09.06.2019.

Information about the growth of the plants:

Flowering Time Indoor
Between 63 an 77 days (Average: 70 days.)
Stretch after the initiation of flowering
±43 Percent
Initiation of flowering onto around 70 cm. - Final Height onto around 100 cm.
The plants of this Cannabis-Strain...
...need much care.
...are not very tolerant to over- or under-fertilization. not need much fertilizer.
...are vulnerable to fungal diseases.
...are susceptible to mold. not like any major fluctuations in temperature.
...looks and grow more like a Sativa.
...are well suited for very low growrooms.
...are well suited for a SoG (See of Green).
...should only be bred by experts.
...should not be heavily pruned.
...respond well to the pruning of the main stem.
...from regular seeds tend to hermaphrodites.

Harvest, Yield, Taste, Aroma, strength and effectiveness

Yield / Quantity
The crop of this strain is slightly below average.
Buds / Leaves
The ratio of buds to leaves is below average.
Bud Structure
The dried buds are rather fluffy.

General Impression

Lit in Las Vegas (Masonrie Genetics)
(Indoor; Long, stretched, fastly blossoming, sativa-dominant Phenotype #2)

is all together there are much better strains
(On average 3 Points onto a scale between 0 and 10 !)

Additional Information

GOMOK says

LE phenotype indica donne de bonnes racines avec une croissance lente et pas tres grande ;

les tetes sont vertes mais deviennent viollettes comme le phenotype sativa en fin de floraison :c est magnifique et de donne une idées des vertus complexes de la plante

fin de floraison les tetes sont vraiments grosses et l odeur est exellente ,fruitée,et raffinée:

accepte l engraissage lourd en fin de floraison

la qualitée de l herbe est excceptionnelle a tous les niveaux :une plante tres etudiées de la plus fine qualitée possible ;medicinale a souhait et tres puissante mais sans faire perdre la tete ni de somnolence

l une des meilleures herbe que j ai consommé je pense

la production est tres bonne meme si les plantes(clones) sont assez petites

je conseille donc de choisir ce phenotype sans hesitation plutot que le sativa violet
(09.06.2019, 23:30)