Dutch Passion
Frisian Dew

Frisian Dew (Dutch Passion) :: StrainReview :: Outdoor :: No.40459818191395539 by Weeder

Plant-Profile about Frisian Dew (by Dutch Passion)

This Plant-Profile is a individual expression by , uploaded at the 19.12.2012.

Information about the growth of the plants:

The weather in the growing area:

Cannabis-Plants into this zone can be cultivated from May to October. The plants will start flowering around July when the days slowly become shorter.

Jan Feb Mar Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Temp. cold cold cold cold warm warm warm warm warm warm cold cold
Precip. humid humid humid humid arid arid arid arid arid humid humid humid
Sunshine 8.6 10.1 11.9 13.9 15.6 16.4 15.9 14.3 12.4 10.4 8.8 8.1
Phase x x x x grow grow bloom bloom bloom bloom x x
Harvest Time Outdoor
End of September +/- 2 Weeks in CmShα climates at the northern hemisphere.
Climate zones according to the SeedFinder classification with actual data from 1986-2009
The plants of this Cannabis-Strain... not need much care.
...are not susceptible to mold.
...are tolerant of temperature fluctuations.
...have no problems with low temperatures.
...are a good choice for beginners.
...are a good choice for commercial cultivation.

Additional Information

Weeder says

Hab 8 Frisian Dews gegrowt, davon gab eine kaum Ertrag, aber insgesamt kamen ca. 430g trocken raus. Sehr einfach zu growen, da kann man nicht viel falsch machen :) (19.12.2012, 19:02)