Sweet Seeds
Snow Fruit

Snow Fruit (Sweet Seeds) :: StrainReview :: Outdoor :: No.60178221911026185 by langseed

Plant-Profile about Snow Fruit (by Sweet Seeds)

This Plant-Profile is a individual expression by , uploaded at the 20.01.2014.

Information about the growth of the plants:

The weather in the growing area:

Cannabis-Plants into this zone can be cultivated from May to September. The plants will start flowering around July when the days slowly become shorter.

Jan Feb Mar Apr Mai Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Temp. cold cold cold cold warm warm warm warm warm cold cold cold
Precip. humid humid humid arid arid arid arid arid arid humid humid humid
Sunshine 8.1 9.8 11.9 14.1 16.1 17 16.4 14.6 12.4 10.2 8.3 7.5
Phase x x x x grow grow bloom bloom bloom x x x
Harvest Time Outdoor
End of October +/- 2 Weeks in CmShα climates at the northern hemisphere.
Climate zones according to the SeedFinder classification with actual data from 1986-2009
Growth Behavior
Side Branches
incomprehensibly many; slightly above average length as well as slightly above average strongness.
The plants of this Cannabis-Strain...
...need place and should not be placed close together.
...are not very tolerant to over- or under-fertilization.
...need much fertilizer.
...are not vulnerable to fungal diseases.
...are not susceptible to mold.
...are tolerant of temperature fluctuations.
...have no problems with low temperatures.
...have no problems with high temperatures.
...looks and grow more like a Sativa.
...need a lot of room upward.
...are a good choice for commercial cultivation. many, thick buds on the side branches.
...respond well to the pruning of the main stem.
...can build pre flowers into the growth period.

Harvest, Yield, Taste, Aroma, strength and effectiveness

Yield / Quantity
The crop of this strain is great.
Buds / Leaves
The ratio of buds to leaves is very good.
Bud Structure
The dried buds are slightly below average.
Strength / Lasting Effect
The weed insane strong and very long lasting.
Tolerance Built
quasi not any tolerance education.

General Impression

Snow Fruit (Sweet Seeds)

is all together extremely good and very recommendable
(On average 9 Points onto a scale between 0 and 10 !)

Additional Information

langseed says

up to 300g/plant kein Problem. Die Pflanzen benötigen viel Wasser und Dünger. Kommerziell sehr interessant. Sollten im Gartenbau gepflegt werden. Lockerer, tiefgründiger Boden mit hohem Nährstoffanteil. Der Boden sollte sich gut erwärmen können (Bodentemperatur) und viel Wasser aufnehmen können, am besten Bewässerungsanlagen, Bewässerungsrinnen, Kanäle oder an der Pflanze vergrabene Blümentöpfe. Eine Pflanze kann im Sommer ohne Probleme 20 Liter Wasser am Tag umsetzen. Am besten Indoorvorzucht ab Februar, mit mehrmaligem beschnitt der Haupttriebe. Die Pflanzen sollten am besten durch ein horizontal über der Boden schwebendes Gitter wachsen, um ein auseinander brechen der Pflanzen zu verhindern. Ohne Stabilisierung zerbrechen die Pfl. 100%. (20.01.2014, 21:39)