
Papaya (Nirvana Seeds) :: StrainReview :: Overview

All the reviews for the strain Papaya (by Nirvana Seeds)

Here are a list of all reviews for this cannabis variety, uploaded by our users. Please use the small navigation above (or the links in the tables below) to view the average reviews for indoor, outdoor or the individual phenotypes (if defined so far).


Average Indoor Review

Phenotype: unspecified / whole variety

info by Str. Yi. Co. St. To. User-Votings
sxz404plant profile sxz404 229 %
zippyplant profile zippy
Marijuanaplant profile Marijuana
null0plant profile null0
Bronko69plant profile Bronko69 140 %
Vertexplant profile Vertex 233 %
MellowMoodplant profile MellowMood 267 %
zippyplant profile zippy 144 %
Staminaplant profile Stamina 650 %
seed103plant profile seed103
couchlockplant profile couchlock 400 %
blupapaplant profile blupapa
sharqplant profile sharq 46 %

short, compact, slowly blossoming, indica-dominant Phenotype #1

info by Str. Yi. Co. St. To. User-Votings
Psymonplant profile Psymon 25 %


Average Outdoor Review

Phenotype: unspecified / whole variety

info by Clima Yi. Co. St. To. User-Votings
Berni Berni CmSh3