Strain VS. Strain
Direct Comparison

L.A. Confidential VS. X-Kush #2 - Overview

Direct comparison between L.A. Confidential and X-Kush #2.

L.A. Confidential (DNA Genetics Seeds)

»» short, stretched, fastly blossoming, indica-dominant Phenotype

... is growing only a little bit slower than ...

... is indoors only a little bit later ripe for harvest than ...

... is outdoors only a little bit later ripe for harvest than ...

... requires around the same amount of nutrients than ...

X-Kush #2 (Breeder Choice Organisation)

short, compact, fastly blossoming, indica-dominant Phenotype ««

Please note: this is an individual opinion of Judah!

Options and further comparisons

* The other variety prepend (swap varieties).
* Overview of all comparisons with L.A. Confidential.
* Overview of all comparisons with X-Kush #2.
* More info about L.A. Confidential & X-Kush #2.

* More info about SeedFinders Strain VS. Strain options.
* Click here to compare two varieties!