Dawg Star
Blueberry Cheesecake

Blueberry Cheesecake

breed by Dawg Star

Here you can find all info about Blueberry Cheesecake from Dawg Star. If you are searching for information about Blueberry Cheesecake from Dawg Star, check out our Basic Infos or Lineage / Genealogy for this cannabis variety here at this page and follow the links to get even more information - or list all Blueberry Cheesecake Strains (±5) to find a different version. If you have any personal experiences with growing or consuming this cannabis variety, please use the upload links to add them to the database!

Basic / Breeders Info

Blueberry Cheesecake is a mostly indica variety from and can be cultivated indoors (where the plants will need a flowering time of ±60 days) and outdoors. Dawg Stars Blueberry Cheesecake is a THC dominant variety and is/was only available as feminized seeds.

Dawg Stars Blueberry Cheesecake Description

Dawg Star Blueberry Cheesecake Blueberry Cheesecake by Dawg Star comes from a cross between an original Blueberry by DJ Short and a stinky Big Buddha Cheese. The resulting strain is obviously an assault on the senses when its flowering, which means you will absolutely need to use a carbon filter for the odor when growing indoors. This strain is super easy to grow and offers an exquisite final product when grown organically.

Learn How to Grow Blueberry Cheesecake Seeds
How to grow Blueberry Cheesecake indoors
When grown indoors it tends to grow a bit more compact thanks to its indica genes, although it can grow up to 1.5m tall. Its branches grow out quite big too, so you can easily harvest over 400g per square meter when done right. It does super well when it comes to fungi and insects thanks to its Skunk genes, although we always recommend taking preventive measures. In order to harvest this beautiful plant you’ll need to wait until it finishes flowering, which can take around 55-65 days.

How to grow Blueberry Cheesecake outdoors
Outdoors this plant is incredibly high-yielding, especially when transplanted into the ground towards the start of April. Plants grown at this time can grow over 2 meters tall, producing over 1 kilo of delicious, resinous buds. You’ll need to take quite a stance when it comes to insect infestations as well as fungi such as powdery mildew, which can ruin entire plants. Depending on the phenotype that grows, it may turn a deep purple color which makes for an exotic looking plant. You can harvest from the end of September to the start of October.

Blueberry Cheesecake; Flavor, Aroma y Effect
This strain is grown mainly for its mouth-watering flavor, although its effect is just as amazing. Its aroma and flavor are both a combination of sweet and sour flavors that can be similar to cheese. Its effect is relaxing and quite intense; the perfect way to end the day.

Sativa/Indica: 40/60%
Height: indoors 0.7-1.5, outdoors 1.5-2.3m
Flowering: 55-65 days indoors, end of September/beginning of October outdoors

Blueberry Cheesecake Lineage / Genealogy

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