Updates, updates and more updates

Updates, updates and more updates


written by SeedFinder

Post made at Monday 18th of October 2010 12:52:47 AM
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Updates, updates and more updates

Post made at Monday 18th of October 2010 12:52:47 AM by SeedFinder
posted in SeedFinder's News/Info
Tags: plantprofiles, reviews, pictures, upload

Much has changed in the recent months, but sorry, i was too lazy to post all the small changings here ;) But I would like to emphasize an important change with the image-upload and the review-function:

1.: Now you can upload much larger pictures than before, the maximum height or width is 3000 px.
2.: The images can now be associated with a strain-review!

If you have already uploaded pictures and profiles to a variety, please click on the edit-link below your image and connect it to the right review. This will allow better filter-options, users can go directly from the image description page to the appropriate extra information - and we can show the right images below the respective strain-reviews.

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