Upload Forms
Upload a new variety

Upload a new variety

Here you can upload a new strain into our data base. Please insert all information as exactly as possible and pay also some attention to the orthography.


Please select the Breeder of your strain.
If you are missing the breeder - simply upload it here onto this page before.


Please insert this informations exactly.

If the variety have significant amounts of CBD (2% CBD or more), please select a fitting category here!


E.G.: 6 weeks = 42 days; 7-8 weeks = 53 days; 9-11 weeks = 70 days

Indoor? Outdoor? Or only for the greenhouse? Multiple checks are possible.


Please insert as much details as possible. You can not use any html-tags, only [b]bold[/b], [i]invert[/i], [br] and [ul][li]row1[/li][li]row2[/li][/ul] for a list!

Explanation, Informations, Useful hints, Detailed genetics etc. pp.

Please insert here the link to the manufacturer of the strain or directly to this strain.

Please insert here the link to a picture of this strain.

O.K., Please check all inserts again - and GOGOGO.