Royal Queen
Special Queen #1

Special Queen #1 (Royal Queen Seeds) :: StrainReview :: Overview

All the reviews for the strain Special Queen #1 (by Royal Queen Seeds)

Here are a list of all reviews for this cannabis variety, uploaded by our users. Please use the small navigation above (or the links in the tables below) to view the average reviews for indoor, outdoor or the individual phenotypes (if defined so far).


Average Indoor Review

Phenotype: unspecified / whole variety

info by Str. Yi. Co. St. To. User-Votings
Plantagenknauberplant profile Plantagenknauber 218 %
Kandymanplant profile Kandyman 167 %
Hanswurst2012plant profile Hanswurst2012 833 %
MarlonJaneplant profile MarlonJane 700 %
DrProffplant profile DrProff 220 %
Studmanplant profile Studman 333 %
PeterPanplant profile PeterPan 233 %
hempmasterplant profile hempmaster 200 %
MrPorroplant profile MrPorro 375 %
greenkrtplant profile greenkrt 214 %
Drainplant profile Drain 200 %
rohrenterichplant profile rohrenterich 300 %
greenkrtplant profile greenkrt

long, stretched, slowly blossoming, sativa-dominant Phenotype #1

info by Str. Yi. Co. St. To. User-Votings
orlando737plant profile Orlando737 171 %
SamanBplant profile SamanB 157 %
sportkiffer47plant profile sportkiffer47 300 %
UltimaRatioplant profile UltimaRatio 233 %
UltimaRatioplant profile UltimaRatio 233 %
UltimaRatioplant profile UltimaRatio 233 %


Average Outdoor Review

Phenotype: unspecified / whole variety

info by Clima Yi. Co. St. To. User-Votings
hanomanomak hanomanomak CmSh3
caretakerjoe caretakerjoe ClSh2