Big Buddha
Blue Cheese

Blue Cheese (Big Buddha Seeds) :: StrainReview :: Overview

All the reviews for the strain Blue Cheese (by Big Buddha Seeds)

Here are a list of all reviews for this cannabis variety, uploaded by our users. Please use the small navigation above (or the links in the tables below) to view the average reviews for indoor, outdoor or the individual phenotypes (if defined so far).


Average Indoor Review

Phenotype: unspecified / whole variety

info by Str. Yi. Co. St. To. User-Votings
trevorplant profile trevor 78 %
dekandonplant profile dekandon 100 %
StraingerSeedsplant profile Strainger Seeds

long, stretched, fastly blossoming, sativa-dominant Phenotype #1

info by Str. Yi. Co. St. To. User-Votings
Babba89plant profile Babba89 200 %