Dirty Worms Farm

Dirty Worms Farm

Dirty Worms Farm @ SeedFinders Breeders Database

Here you can find all information about the cannabis breeder Dirty Worms Farm. We've collected data about 2 Cannabis Strains breed by Dirty Worms Farm. Click on the strains to find more informations, pictures, reviews, comparisons and sources for a variety - and/or check out the Breeder Info here at the page to find out more about Dirty Worms Farm. Its also possible to visualize all Dirty Worms Farm strains together with all their Parents or Hybrids with our dynamic maps - check it out!

2 Cannabis Strains

Name of the strain Indica or Sativa? Indoor or Outdoor? Flowering time in days Female seeds? Buy-Bar: Shop-Checker User-Votings
Berry Godmother indica/sativa Indoor, Outdoor, Greenhouse 63
Lily of the Valley indica/sativa Indoor, Outdoor, Greenhouse 70

More info about this breeder:

Welcome to Dirty Worms Farm Selections

We are a small family run company who focus on Small Batch Craft Cannabis Selections. We have been Pollen Chucking and Making Selections for over 20yrs. We strive to add diversity to the gene pool. As growers,we alone are the soul Stewards to this magical plant. Our Selections go through rigorous testing in a multitude of different mediums and grow setups. We are blessed to be a small part of all this. We look forward to seeing our creations in your garden.